According to immoral Traffic Prevention Act,1986 and Protection from Domestic Violence Act,2005, The major objective of setting up short stay home is to protect women and adolescent girls from human trafficking and to provide protection and security to women victims of domestic violence.It also aim with a view to protect and rehabilitate those women and girls who are facing social economic and emotional problems due to family problems,mental stress, social, ostracism,exploitation or other causes. WDC aims at providing temporary shelter and support to women and girls, who are victims of these kinds of violence and have no social support system to rely on. it also incurs psychological counselling, medical services, legal consultation capacity building and skill devlopment which facilitate them to reintegrate in the main strata of the society. SSH works in tandem with HL. Cases referred from HL.
महिला एवं बाल विकास निगम द्वारा जिला प्रशासन के अंतर्गत संचालित अल्पावास गृह की विवरणी.